Thursday, October 29, 2009

Principled Concordion

There are a couple of ways to look at a hiatus from blogging. Either you are so successful that you rationalize you're too busy or important to reflect on all the wonderful things happening, or you've grown too slothful to find something exciting enough to share. I recently went to the No Fluff Just Stuff conference, and it has recharged my batteries, much as it did the last time I attended. Life offers only the palest excuses to avoid thoughtful introspection, or to fail to discover shareworthy things.

Analogies, Analogies

Lewis Carroll famously asked, why is a raven like writing desk? The question remains the archetypal example of a riddle deliberately concocted to have no solution. Nevertheless, I love contrived analogies for a couple of reasons. First, they are useful because they can communicate profound ideas economically. Second, they are whimsical and can warp the mind into discovering new ideas.

Which brings me to why developing software is like modeling a pendulum. To predict the future behavior of a simple harmonic oscillator, I need to know both the current position and the current velocity. Without two pieces of information, I can't solve the differential equation, and chart the pendulum bob's trajectory. Sorry, but there's just no getting around needing two values. Blame mathematics itself.

We often attack software projects like this. We figure out our current state and use it to predict where we need to go. This is a bit like taking a snapshot of the customer's expectations or requirements, and marching in the correct direction. The problem is, taking these measurements is really hard. And just a small error in requirements can lead to unsatisfied customers.

But, there's another way to solve differential equations. I still need two pieces of information, but they don't both have to be "initial" conditions. In a Dirichlet problem, I'm given an initial and a final position. From these, I can figure out the intermediate positions and the velocities.

We should (and the better among us do) develop software like this. By capturing requirements as stories, and expressing them as executable tests, we reduce our measurement errors. Moreover, our trajectory is anchored by the end condition, not mearly by initial guesses, so we're less likely to march off into the weeds.


Consequently, I'm becoming increasingly enamored with Concordion. There are many descriptions of the tool available on the web, so I won't parrot them. Instead, I'd like to offer a different perspective, which I hope will not offend the Concordion community.

Concordion is an organizing principle, which helps one design acceptance tests and other tests of software. To be pedantic, it's actually an instantiation of such a principle, much as Smalltalk is an example of object oriented programming. My take on it is this: a family of automated tests deserves human-readable views into them, with appropriate encapsulation or elision of distracting details, such as execution order.

Concordion is often compared with FitNesse, but infrequently contrasted with it. FitNesse drives tests. I can go to a web page, push a button, and see my test run. Concordion, however, is a view into tests. I go to a web page to see results, which probably came from a continuous integration server. This difference is profound.

You can find a dozen books on object oriented programming, particularly the older ones, that sing the praises of OO because it permits code reuse. In the real world, reuse turns out to be the least compelling reason to embrace object oriented programming. The real value of OO principles lie in the improved organization of the resulting code. We mean "improved" here for human readability, not necessarily performance or computer efficiency.

Analogously, you can find many books about automated testing and the virtues it brings to software development. But a neglected advantage of good automation is that it offers ways to organize tests. Well presented tests are superior expressions of requirements.

With Concordion, I can design web page views into my tests. I leave many details, such as the order in which tests run, to my continuous integration server. For example, tests with similar setup requirements can be grouped together. But I can organize the presentation of the results any way that I want. For example, tests can be organized by sprint, or by module, or by cross-cutting feature.

Concordion makes software development look more like a Dirichlet problem, where I can keep the end in mind from the very beginning. Thinking of Concordion not as a tool, but as a principle, will shape how I program. And I still have much to learn about how one does that well.